

Tenders Notice, TEQIP-III


03/01/2022Tender regarding Supply of Security and Other Personnel on Outsourcing Basis: DCE/02/2021-22 dated 28-12-2021Download
03/01/2022Tender Regarding Hiring of Vehicle for Official Purpose: DCE/03/2021-22 dated 28-12-2021Download
28/12/2020Invitation for the Quotation of annual maintenance of Desktop & LaptopDownload
28/12/2020Invitation for the Quotation of annual maintenance of projectorDownload
25/01/2020 Corrigendum for Tachometer under CRS project CRS ID-1-5748434951Download
20/12/2019Invitation letter for data acquisation card along with Chassis under CRS project CRS ID-1-5748434951Download
20/12/2019Invitation letter for Tachometer under CRS project CRS ID-1-5748434951Download
13/12/2019Invitation for quotation for supply of goods for CRS project for CRS ID-5764017581Download
13/12/2019Invitation letter for Gas cylinder (Argon and Nitrogen) CRS project CRS ID- 1Download
13/12/2019Invitation letter for Printer under CRS project CRS ID- 1Download
13/12/2019Invitation letter for Equipments under CRS project CRS ID- 1Download
07/12/2019Invitation for quotation of Laboratory Equipments under CRSDownload
07/12/2019Invitation for quotation of Muffle-furnace under CRSDownload
28/09/2019Invitation for quotation_3D printer with 3D scannerDownload
19/09/2019Invitation for quotation_GeneratorDownload
17/09/2019Corrigendum-II_library e-journalDownload
03/09/2019Corrigendum- I Library e-journalDownload
31/08/2019Invitation for Quatations for Supply of Goods-Library e-journalDownload
31/08/2019Corrigendum- I Library DigitalizationDownload
31/08/2019Corrigendum-I PCBDownload
30/08/2019 Quatations for Supply of Goods- LibraryDownload
29/08/2019 Quatations for Supply of Goods-PCBDownload
10/08/2019 New Corrigendum for DesktopDownload
07/08/2019Corrigendum for DesktopDownload
07/08/2019Corrigendum for laptopDownload
02/08/2019Corrigendum Machanical Engineering lab equipment-IIDownload
30/07/2019Quotation for Mechanicallab equipment-IIIDownload
30/07/2019Quotation for Mechanical lab equipment-IIDownload
30/07/2019Quotation for Mechanical lab equipment-IDownload
30/07/2019Quotation invitation for lab chairsDownload
25/07/2019Quotation for lab equipments of Civil Engineering DepartmentDownload
25/07/2019Quotation for lab equipments of EEEDownload
25/07/2019Quotation for lab equipments of Physics DepartmentDownload
25/07/2019Notice Inviting Quotaion for Computer TableDownload
25/07/2019Notice Inviting Quotation for LaptopDownload
25/07/2019Notice Inviting Quotation for MS Office LicenseDownload
25/07/2019NCB SBD Computer DesktopDownload
23/02/2019Corrigendum Civil-IIIDownload
18/02/2019Electrical & Electronics Engineering-IIDownload
15/02/2019Mechanical Engineering-IIIDownload
12/02/2019Civil Engineering-IIIDownload
19/01/2019Civil Engineering-IIDownload
19/01/2019Mechanical Engineering-IIDownload
13/01/2019Mechanical Engineering-IDownload
13/01/2019Civil Engineering-IDownload
13/01/2019Electrical & Electronics Engineering-IDownload